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Listing 2.3. continued
Sales Region Total Sales ------------ ----------- North East $99,204.00 South East $72,900.00 Mid West $921,892.00 Plains $69,916.00 South West $98,421.00 West $1,027,653.00 North West $87,367.00 Confidential column sales_region clear column sales_total clear ttitle off btitle off
In Listing 2.3, the format clause was used to control the positions of certain punctuation marks as well as output character suppression. Use the following formats to meet your requirements:
Bind variables are variables created outside PL/SQL but referenced within a PL/SQL block. In this chapter, you define bind variables as variables that are created in SQL*Plus. These variables can then be referenced in a PL/SQL program as if they were declared variables in the PL/SQL program. Bind variables are necessary because variables declared in PL/SQL programs are not accessible to SQL*Plus. Bind variables are used frequently to manage subprogram return codes.
To create a bind variable, use the variable command.
The Syntax for the variable Command
The syntax is
variable variable_name type
where variable name is the name of the bind variable that you want to create, and type is the datatype for the variable.
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To reference the bind variable in a PL/SQL subprogram, precede the bind variable with a colon (:). For example, the following statement references the bind variable sales_total by assigning the value of zero to it in a PL/SQL program:
:sales_total :=0
To display the value of the sales_total bind variable, use the SQL*Plus print command, which is
print sales_total
A substitution variable is a user-defined variable name that is preceded by an ampersand (&). SQL*Plus treats the substitution variable as though it were the value of the substitution variable, rather than the variable itself. You can use substitution variables anywhere in SQL and SQL*Plus commands, except as the first command entered during a SQL*Plus session. If you do not supply a value for the substitution variable, SQL*Plus will prompt you for a value.
In the following examples, the variable sort1 is defined as position and the variable table1 is defined as master_parts. The first example uses substitution variables:
break on &sort1 SELECT * from &table1 ORDER BY &sort 1 asc
The next example uses the values of the substitution variables:
break on position SELECT * from master_parts ORDER BY position asc
Both of the preceding examples produce the same results.
The following system variables affect substitution variables:
The following example uses the concatenation character. SQL*Plus will automatically query the user for the value of sales because it is not previously defined:
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SQL> SELECT * from master_parts WHERE parts_codes = `&c_parts.001' Enter value for c_parts: 21345
This will be interpreted as:
SQL> SELECT * from master_sales WHERE sales_region = `21345001'
Now look at a realistic example where the ORDER BY clause is used with the substitution variable. Notice in Listing 2.4 that SQL*Plus queries the user for input to every substitution variable.
Listing 2.4. ORDER BY clause with substitution variables.
SQL> SELECT * from master_personnel SQL> WHERE job = `&c_job' SQL> ORDER BY &c_job Enter value for c_job: teacher old SELECT * from master_personnel old WHERE job = `&c_type' new SELECT * from master_personnel new WHERE job = `teacher' Enter value for c_job: teacher old ORDER BY &c_job new ORDER BY `teacher'
Note from Listing 2.4 that you had to enter in the value for the substitution variable &c_job twice. SQL*Plus will prompt you for every substitution variable. You can avoid being prompted repeatedly for the same values by using the double ampersand (&&). This directs SQL*Plus to automatically define the substitution variable with && as equal to the substitution variable with one ampersand (&). This way, you can recode the preceding statement to avoid the reprompting as follows:
SELECT * from master_personnel WHERE job = `&c_job' ORDER BY &&c_job
A break report is a report in which duplicate values are suppressed in the specified column. Additionally, in the break report, a line will be skipped every time a value changes in the break column. The following is the normal (non-break) output from the master_sales table:
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Monthly Sales For June sales_region sales_totals ------------ ------------ North East 55100 North East 43104 North East 1004 South East 72900 Mid West 811460 Mid West 110432 Plains 69916 North West 31012 North West 21101 North West 5243 North West 30011 Confidential
Listing 2.5 contains the SQL*Plus commands that will be issued to create a break report.
Listing 2.5. Break report.
set pagesize 22 set linesize 60 set feedback off ttitle `Monthly Sales|for June' btitle `Confidential' column sales_region heading `Sales Region' format A15 column sales_totals heading `Total Sales' format $99,999,999 break on sales_region skip 1 SELECT sales_region, sales_totals from master_sales WHERE sales_month = `06' Monthly Sales For June Sales Region Total Sales ------------ ----------- North East $55,100 $43,104 $1,004 South East $72,900 Mid West $811,460 $110,432 Plains $69,916