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All the PL/SQL code does is to create a variable of type
DATE in line 2 and assign it to the converted character date in line 4. The output should be
The converted date is: 11-JUN-67 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
How many people know a foreign language? How do you convert to the Oracle built-in DATE from another language? Remember to use the NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE parameter to specify the language. Listing 7.6 is an example of converting a German date to an Oracle DATE.
Listing 7.6. Converting German date to DATE format.
SELECT TO_DATE(`februar-23','MONTH-DD','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=german') "Converted" from DUAL;
The output will appear in the default Oracle format as
Converted -------- 23-FEB-97
Finally, how about some calculations on that date just returned? Listing 7.7 reflects adding 10 days to the converted date.
Listing 7.7. Performing calculations on a converted date.
1: DECLARE 2: v_Convert_Date DATE; 3: BEGIN 4: v_Convert_Date := TO_DATE(`061167','MMDDYY') + 10; 5: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`The converted date is: ` || v_Convert_Date); 6: END; 7: /
Your output should appear as follows:
The converted date is: 21-JUN-67 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
You have taken a converted date of 06/11/67 and added 10 days in line 4, which brings you to the proper result of 21-JUN-67!
You should now be starting to get a grasp on how Oracle converts characters to dates. Experiment with some of the other formats in the rest of this section.
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If you can turn character strings into dates, you should be able to reverse this process. Oracle provides you with the answer by using the TO_CHAR function.
The Syntax for the TO_CHAR Function
TO_CHAR(date, format, NLS_Params)
Remember to refer to Table 7.7 for allowable mask formats. The best way to demonstrate TO_CHAR is through many examples, especially with format varieties. The first example will take the current system date and time from the SYSDATE function and format it to a spelled-out date in Listing 7.8.
Some of these listings allow you to enter the code directly at the SQL*Plus prompt, or you can enter it directly into the editor. If you use the editor, do not use the ending semicolon for the one line SQL listings. If you are entering at the prompt, the semicolon performs the SQL statement, similar to using a / to execute the code. |
Listing 7.8. Converting DATE to spelled-out character format.
Your output should appear as follows:
Today -------------------- JUNE 03RD 1997
How about using this as a PL/SQL procedure and going back to the good old days of BC? Listing 7.9 shows another example of using TO_CHAR with converting and formatting dates.
Listing 7.9. Converting DATE to spelled-out character format.
1: DECLARE 2: v_Convert_Date DATE := TO_DATE(`06112067BC','MMDDYYYYBC'); 3: v_Hold_Date VARCHAR2(100); 4: BEGIN 5: v_Hold_Date := TO_CHAR(v_Convert_Date,'MMDDSYYYY'); 6: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`The converted date is: ` || v_Hold_Date); 7: END; 8: /
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ANALYSIS There are several items to make note of here. First, in order to assign a date to a DATE value, you need to convert a character date to a DATE datatype by using the TO_DATE function, as shown in line 2. If you simply tried to enter or assign a date such as in the following example, you would generate an error:
v_Convert_Date DATE := 11-JUN-67;
The second item to notice is how Oracle displays dates for BC. When you run the code from Listing 7.9, your output will appear as follows:
The converted date is: 0611-2067 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
As you can see, a negative sign before the year value represents BC.
Finally, you can have some fun with using another language for your output. Enter and execute the code in Listing 7.10 for an example of German output.
Listing 7.10. Converting DATE to another language.
Your output should appear as
German Date ------------------ JUNI 04 97
Make sure when you are displaying your output that you specify such mask formats as Month or MONTH, because the output will display in the same case-sensitive format of either all uppercase, all lowercase, or proper case (that is, JUNE, june, or June). |
The TO_NUMBER function is very similar to the TO_DATE function. This function converts a character string of type CHAR or VARCHAR2 into a number. As with TO_DATE, the format mask is very important for a proper conversion.
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The Syntax for the TO_NUMBER Function
TO_NUMBER(character_string, format, NLS_Params)
There are many reasons to convert from a character to a number value. For instance, you decide to store data of type VARCHAR2 for the age when hired. Suppose you want to perform some calculations on the age to determine retirement income and information. Simply use the TO_NUMBER function to change to a NUMBER datatype and then perform the calculation. It's more efficient to store numbers in the CHAR or VARCHAR2 format because most systems will store as a single byte instead of two bytes with a NUMBER datatype, and you would not perform calculations very often on this data.
If you are using a field to perform calculations on frequently, never store it as a VARCHAR2 or CHAR because the process to convert to a number will really slow down the system, and other end users will not be too happy! |
See Table 7.8 for the available format masks you can pass when using the TO_NUMBER function.
Table 7.8. Number format elements.
Format Element | Sample(s) | Description |
9 | 9999 | Each nine is considered a significant digit. Any leading zeros are treated as blanks. |
0 | 09999 or 99990 | By adding the 0 as a prefix or suffix to the number, all leading or trailing zeros are treated and displayed as zeros instead of drawing a blank (pun intended). Think of this display type as NUMERIC values, such as 00109. |
$ | $9999 | Prefix of currency symbol printed in the first position. |
B | B9999 | Returns any portion of the integer as blanks if the integer is 0. This will override the leading zeros by using a 0 for the format. |
MI | 9999MI | Automatically adds a space at the end to hold either a minus sign if the value is negative, or to hold a placeholder space if the value is positive. |