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Format Element | Sample(s) | Description |
S | S9999 or 9999S | Displays a leading or trailing sign of + if the value is positive, and a leading or trailing sign of - if the value is negative. |
PR | 9999PR | If the value is negative, angle brackets <> are placed around the number; otherwise, placeholder spaces are used if the number is positive. |
D | 99D99 | Decimal point location. The nines on both sides reflect the maximum number of digits allowed. |
G | 9G999G999 | Specifies a group separator such as a comma. |
C | C99 | Returns ISO currency symbol in the specified position. |
L | L9999 | Specifies the location of the local currency symbol (such as $). |
, | 9,999,999 | Places a comma in specified position, regardless of the group separator. |
. | 99.99 | Specifies the location of the decimal point, regardless of the decimal separator. |
V | 999V99 | Returns the number multiplied to the 10n power, where n is the number of nines after the V. |
EEEE | 9.99EEEE | Returns the value in scientific notation. |
RM, rm | RM, rm | Returns the value as upper- or lowercase Roman numerals. |
FM | FM9,999.99 | Fill Mode: Removes leading and trailing blanks. |
After the format mask are several possible NLS parameters:
In the examples in this section, you can practice some of these conversions. First, you'll per-form a simple character-to-number conversion. Go ahead and execute the code in Listing 7.11.
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Listing 7.11. Converting a character to an integer value.
1: DECLARE 2: v_Convert_Number VARCHAR2(20) := `1997'; 3: v_Hold_Number NUMBER ; 4: BEGIN 5: v_Hold_Number := TO_Number(v_Convert_Number,'9999'); 6: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`The converted number is: ` || v_Hold_Number); 7: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`The converted number plus 10 is: ` || 8: (v_Hold_Number+10)); 9: END; 10: /
After executing the PL/SQL block, your output should be
The converted number is: 1997 The converted number plus 10 is: 2007
ANALYSIS This block of code simply converted a character integer with a value of 1997, converted it to a number in line 6, and then additionally performed a mathematical calculation to add 10 to the integer in line 7. Without the TO_NUMBER function, you would not be able to perform any type of calculations on characters.
You will often need to convert a field in a table from one datatype to another. For instance, a real estate company uses Oracle to track its listings. Unfortunately, the house prices were declared as a type VARCHAR2(20). The format entered was always the currency symbol ($) followed by the price, offset in commas. The range of prices can be from $.01 to $999,999,999.99. You could write a function to update a column added to the table, change the datatype, and delete the extra column no longer needed. For now, you only need to calculate your commission for some property you had just sold. The going commission rate for agents in the area is 6%. Listing 7.12 shows the conversion of VARCHAR2 to NUMBER and then calculates your commission.
Listing 7.12. Converting a character formatted as
currency to an integer value.
1: DECLARE 2: v_Convert_Number VARCHAR2(20) := `$119,252.75'; 3: v_Hold_Number NUMBER ; 4: BEGIN 5: v_Hold_Number := TO_Number(v_Convert_Number,'$999,999,999.99'); 6: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`The converted number is: ` || v_Hold_Number); 7: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Your commission at 6% is: ` || 8: (v_Hold_Number*.06)); 9: END; 10: /
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When you execute this code, your output appears as
The converted number is: 119252.75 Your commission at 6% is: 7155.165
ANALYSIS This PL/SQL block has an unusually long format mask. When you convert a number, the format mask must be equal to or greater than the length of the number of characters to convert. Remember, the largest value could be $999,999,999.99, so you should create the format for the largest possible value as demonstrated in line 5. But what happens if you break this rule? Go ahead and enter and then execute the code in Listing 7.13.
Listing 7.13. Errors with the format mask.
1: DECLARE 2: v_Convert_Number VARCHAR2(20) := `$119,252.75'; 3: v_Hold_Number NUMBER ; 4: BEGIN 5: v_Hold_Number := TO_Number(v_Convert_Number,'$99,999.99'); 6: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`The converted number is: ` || v_Hold_Number); 7: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Your commission at 6% is: ` || 8: (v_Hold_Number*.06)); 9: END; 10: /
Immediately upon execution of this code, you will receive the following errors:
ORA-06502: Message 6502 not found; product=RDBMS73; facility=ORA ORA-06512: Message 6512 not found; product=RDBMS73; facility=ORA ; arguments: ["SYS.STANDARD", ] [720] ORA-06512: Message 6512 not found; product=RDBMS73; facility=ORA ; arguments: [] [5]
How do you handle these errors? Simply execute the program Oracle Messages and Codes. Then click on Find and enter the first code, which is ORA-06502. The help you will receive from Oracle is
ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error Cause: An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred. For example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to assign the value NULL to a variable declared NOT NULL, or if an attempt is made to assign an integer larger than 99 to a variable declared NUMBER(2). Action: Change the data, how it is manipulated, or how it is declared so that values do not violate constraints. Copyright (C) 1995, Oracle Corporation
You're probably wondering, What does all that error code mean? Next, when you get help on the second error message, you will see
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ORA-06512 at str line num Cause: This is usually the last of a message stack and indicates where a problem occurred in the PL/SQL code. Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. It may be necessary to contact the application or database administrator. Copyright (C) 1995, Oracle Corporation
When you look up error messages, make sure that you type the code in the same exact manner as displayed. For example, do not type in ORA-06502 as ORA-6502 because Oracle will never find the match for the error in the help file. |
When Oracle compiles, it looks for all possible errors. The first error message indicates that the number assigned to the variable is too large for the mask. Remember, Oracle has no clue as to your intent. In the case of the error messages, you could have made an incorrect declaration, or according to the second error message, you did not create a large enough mask for the function TO_NUMBER.
The last example is a store, which stored all the sales percentages as a VARCHAR2(4) field in the format 33.33. You will need to convert these numbers to their decimal equivalent. Run through the code in Listing 7.14.
Listing 7.14. Converting VARCHAR2 percentage data to
a decimal equivalent.
1: DECLARE 2: v_Convert_Number VARCHAR2(20) := '33.33'; 3: v_Hold_Number NUMBER ; 4: BEGIN 5: v_Hold_Number := TO_Number(v_Convert_Number,'999.999999'); 6: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`The converted number is: ` || v_Hold_Number); 7: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Your decimal equivalent is: ` || 8: (v_Hold_Number/100)); 9: END; 10: /
When you execute the code in Listing 7.14, your output should appear as
The converted number is: 33.33 Your decimal equivalent is: .3333
The PL/SQL code in Listing 7.14 is simply a repeat, except that you now divide the converted number by 100 with the statement in lines 7 and 8 to arrive at the decimal point.